Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Last Call

By: Luke Florence

No matter how much or how little I pay attention to the preseason I still get really excited as August turns into September. It never fails. College football is coming this weekend and then the following will give us the first week of the 2011 NFL season. Heartbreak, moments of celebration, and probably more than a few beers are sure to follow.

But before we can embark on the 2011 football season, I'm sending out a last call to those who have not signed up for the 2011 NFL ATS Pick 'Em League. Gus Johnson, Bill Walton, Mel Kiper III, and Brady Quinn are all calling for you too. If you don't join for me, join for one of them. Heck, you might even go home with one of the prestigious awards in their honor.
Gus wants you to join.  See how happy he is just thinking about it! 
Here's where we stand as of August 30. We currently have 21 members signed for up the league. The goal is at least 30. I crunched some numbers and I came up with nine guys that have tentatively confirmed and just need to physically sign up for the league.

I'm looking at JC, Grothaus, Wally, Graham, Schaffer, The Polito Brothers, C.T and Devin. If all of you join we would have an even 30 members, $900 up for grabs, including a $15 weekly prize. This is not me saying you have to join by any means, if you don't want to participate it's no skin off my back. But if you do (and I think that's probably the case) then please sign up for the league sometime this week. I'll go ahead and re-send the link to you guys in an e-mail right after this post.

For those that have already signed up, feel free to pass along the invite to friends, family, co-workers, etc. In reality I would need their e-mail address to send them the link but this shouldn't be a big problem at all.

Same goes for you Constant Reader. All I need is an e-mail address and the link will be sent. Whether or not you make any money I can not say, but you will have some fun.

September 8th will be here before you know it and with it comes the start of the 5th Annual NFL ATS Pick 'Em League. Giddy up folks.

Until next time, "read it, roll it, hole it."

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