Saturday, September 17, 2011

2011 NFL ATS Pick 'Em: Week Two

By: Luke Florence

The KOA's week two column contains some important odds-and-ends, including the finalized payout structure, information on the 2011 Skywalker Cup, and of course, his week two picks.

It's been more than 11 months since I last wrote an NFL column. Just let that sink in ... 11 months. To be exact it's been 336 days. Or 8,064 hours. Or 48 weeks. That's an eternity in my book. This column is way overdue.

Before we dive into the week two picks, we need to do some housecleaning. First and foremost, congratulations to Ben Ferree for winning the first-ever weekly prize. He took home $25 for his efforts and quickly disquieted the rumors that we would never have an outright winner. Ben is proof that it can be done. Thank-you Ben for making some members of this league believers. (Now watch it be the only week it happens)

Also need to thank Mark Finken for being the first league member to make a post on the blog. Hope to see more of those in the future. Feel free to write as often as you would like, just don't be offended if I edit them a little. Gus Johnson and Bill Walton both need homes, and posting is the only way you'll bring in the New Year with them by your side.
If you have not done so already, please send in your $30 league dues to our league treasurer Kevin Hunt as soon as possible. Even you Ben. I know it sounds stupid for you to send us $30 for us to just send you $25 back, but we're not going to send out checks until the end of the year once everyone has their money in. Here is Kevin's address. Halloween will be here before you know it so the sooner the better.

Kevin Hunt
4753 Middletowne St. Unit C.
Columbus, OH 43214

Assuming everyone pays their entrance fee here is our finalized league payout structure. With 49 people our total pot was $1,470. We are paying $25/week for 17 weeks to the weekly winner which is $425, leaving us with $1,045 for the top year-long finishers.

1st Place - $350
2nd Place - $230
3rd Place - $160
4th Place - $130
5th Place - $100
6th Place - $75

That is absolutely ridiculous that 6th place will walk away with $75. When I won the whole league in 2007 I only won $80. How far we have come.
Last year, inspired by the Ryder Cup, I introduced the Skywalker Cup. It pitted one league member against another each week in a bracket-format. Like a lot of things in 2010 it stopped before it got started. With 49 league members we will attempt it once again in 2011. The first eight weeks will determine seeding and then the bracket will get underway in week nine with #49 vs. #48 going at it. The goal is to simply pick more winners than your opponent. The first tiebreaker will be the MNF score. In week ten #17 - #48/49 will all be in competition with the top-16 seeds getting a bye in round one. The semi-finals and finals will be two-week rounds with the champion being declared in week 17. Best of luck and more details to come the closer we get.

Onto my picks.

Week two is typically the hardest week to pick against the spread because Vegas (as well as the majority of America) violently over-reacts to one week of football. The best way to battle some of these difficult spreads is to stay stead-fast with your preseason feelings on teams. For example, I don't think Buffalo is good ... in fact, I think Oakland is better. Having said that, I'm taking Buffalo, mainly because I have zero idea who will be catching the ball for Oakland.

I'm going to back the pack until they fail to cover. Shouldn't take too much for them to win this game by a touchdown and a field goal.

I'm torn on the Lions. I think they're pretty good and might even get to eight or nine wins. But I KNOW they are also the Lions and even if they have some talent they will still find ways to lose games. As for the Chiefs, they are better than their dismal week one outing and they should come out strong hoping to bounce back in week two. Expect this one to be close.

Couldn't believe this line and couldn't have clicked quicker on the Colts. In the five years I've been doing inputting spreads for this league I can't remember the last time the Browns were favored ON THE ROAD. And this happening after they looked horrendous at home against a Bruce Gradkowski-led Bengal squad. I wasn't on the Browns-bandwagon before this season started mainly because they don't have enough talent at the skill positions to win on a weekly basis. Maybe Vegas knows something I don't.

Went back and forth on this one but decided that as bad as Minnesota played last week they still only lost to San Diego by seven and if McNabb can't win early in the season at home it's not going to happen.

The Dennis Green game of the week. "They are who we thought they were." I think the Saints are the second best team in the NFC. Chicago might be the third best team in their division.

Not sold on the Jets this year as compared to previous seasons. They got lucky to win that game against Dallas and I secretly think they might just straight up lose this one.

Because I like to enjoy my Sunday's and there's no way taking Seattle will allow me to do that.

Could this be the year Joe Flacco and the Ravens get over that proverbial hump? They look well on their way after last week, so I'm going to say yes. (And if I answered no then Ray Lewis would come after me)

Will the real Rex Grossman please stand up?

Since this is the first year of the past three that I don't have Sunday Ticket, I need to find a new name for a special pick of the week. We're going to go with the I Love Lucy Lock of The Week (0-0) in honor of my little shadow. Be nice Barnes.

How are the Broncos fans going to react when Kyle Orton gets pulled ... for Brady Quinn?? I know I'll be ecstatic. Hey, it could happen ... believe.

HOUSTON (-2.5) over MIAMI
I wonder if Luke Polito has stopped smiling since last Sunday? I'll say this much ... if the Texans can't make the playoffs this year (with no Manning) then they will never make it.

I was playing Kevin Hunt in our fantasy football league last week and was sitting pretty until Wes Welker caught a 99-yard TD pass which broke my back and inevitably led to my defeat. Wasn't that upset because I have a small man-crash on Tom Brady. Hope they can do it again this week.

I liked Atlanta before the season started and still do despite their lackluster week one performance.  I look for them to play much better at home against Vick and I'm fully expecting to be in the minority on this one.  Well besides Schaffer of course.  

Did I miss something here? How in the blue hell is this the Monday Night Football game? It's bad enough that Mike Tirico has to sit up there with Jaws and Gruden, but now he has to watch this game. Poor Mikey.

Enjoy the games boys and girls.

Until next time, "read it, roll it, hole it."

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